bio-plastic, PLA

Bioplastics are an alternative to thermoplastic materials from the fossil industry. Composed of vegetable carbon (obtained by processing corn starch, potato), bioplastics are biodegradable. These materials can be composted. These bioplastics are an alternative to ABS or Polycarbonate; they have the same mechanical properties (service life, hardness). The drawback is the limited heat resistance of these products. (For example, it is not recommended to use them for hot liquid cups.) Please feel free to ask us for a sample.


plastic injection molding

Choosing the Right Plastic Injection Molding Manufacturer: A Guide for Businesses

For instance, accuracy and efficiency are key to manufacturing. The many critical processes companies…

custom injection molding

The Art of Chocolate Packaging in Belgium

Belgium is the country that spells chocolate, and connoisseurs across the world agree with the fact…

injection molding companies

Injection moulded Champagne bucket So Fresh in ABS

Realization of plans, injection moulds in ABS, soft touch finish.

injection molding process

Relocalisation de votre production plastique en Europe ?

Relocalisation de votre production plastique en Europe ?